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 In what ways does your media product develop forms and conventions of real media products? 


The Matrix Trailer (1999)

The Purge Trailer (2013)

Trailer Text

For our trailer we wanted something more than just words on screen like seen in the matrix trailer, example to the right, and although it is cliche we decided that The Purge trailer from 2013 had the sort of thing we were looking for, as it conveys the unsettling nature of both the movie The Purge and our film Revelation. The glitching effect of The Purge's trailer text can be seen to the right.

I researched into the things that could be done with After Effects, and found a way to develop on the idea from The Purge trailer and the tutorials that I used, for example: I exaggerated the spacing for the RGB split to make the text seem more unstable when the dramatic parts of the trailer needed an extra push - including removing green on the last word of the question 'Who's more human?', this can be seen to the right or in full here.

QR Codes

QR Codes have been around since 1994 (source), and things like cattle being branded has been around for hundreds of centuries (source) and we wanted to convey the fact that clones were seen, by the majority, as lesser than human. People throughout history have been branded or marked because of who they were - such as the Nazis who forced Jewish people to wear the Star of David or homosexuals were marked with a hot pink triangle, or during the era of the slave trade slave owners would brand their slaves. We wanted to develop on this real world example and show what could happen with clones in the future. We used the QR codes as they would be a futuristic looking and plausible example.



We needed a logo and knew what the rough genre of trailer we were aiming to create - at the time it was more focused on the mystery, so we decided on the name Enigma. Then I created several mock-up logos and after a while we had two - one in the stencil font and one in a SHARP font but with a wavy question mark. We went with the wavy one as it connoted more mystery and reflected the type of movies we thought the company would make.

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